Struggling to choose between a gas or a charcoal bbq? Why not have both with Char-Broil's hybrid Gas2Coal 440 barbecue. This model comes with 4 stainless steel gas burners and a patented charcoal tray for ultimate grilling flexibility. The convenience of gas cooking with the same great smokey flavour of charcoal.
The Gas2Coal bbq is incredibly easy to light. Simply ignite the gas burners to light the charcoal without the need for fire starters or lighter fluid. The temperature gauge on the lid lets you easily read the grilling temperature and the four castors (two locking) ensure easy mobility.
The patented coal tray guarantees uniform heat without any flare-ups. The Gas2Coal 4-burner is equipped with two coal trays, making it possible to grill with charcoal as well as gas at the same time on the hybrid grill.
- Gas & coal hybrid BBQ
- 4x stainless steel gas burners
- Main power output: 14kW
- 1x 3.5kW side burner
- Stainless steel burner tents
- Patented charcoal tray
- Porcelain coated cast iron cooking grates
- Two black painted steel side shelves
- Four castors (two locking) wheels for easy movement

Additional Specifications
SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit feel free to quote this reference so we can easily identify the product you're looking at.
140926 |
Char-Broil |
Estimated 7-10 Day Delivery |
65kg |
1173mm |
607mm |
1550mm |
Black |
Yes |
The width and depth of the grill area make up the total cooking surface of a BBQ. We recommend up to 1000cm2 when cooking for two people, 1800cm2 for 4 people and between 2000 - 2500cm2 for 6 people.
3413 |
LPG (Propane) |
Warranty is covered when goods are installed by a competent person, consumable parts that are subject to wear and tear are not covered under the manufacturers warranty.
10 Year |
2 Year |
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Char-Broil Gas2Coal 2.0 440 BBQ

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